Latest Word Press Step by Step Guide Improvements
We have been talking about self hosted wordpress a lot, though many blogspot users still feel wordpress as alien platform because they are not familiar with it. To get familiar with wordpress, you can start by creating a free account on or you can install WordPress on your computer to test it on Local environment. Benefits of installing WordPress locally:
- Familiar with wordpress
- Familiar with database
- Make changes locally and then make changes on your online blog
- Local test platform.
To start with local wordpress installation, you need to download a software name WAMP . And also download Latest release of WordPress .
1 Install WAMP
In the PHPmail option while installing WAMP, leave it as it is
2. Now extract the Create a folder under C:\wamp\www name it as WordPress copy all the files and folders under WordPress folder in C:\wamp\www
3. Start WAMP and start all the services by left clicking on it in the task bar.
4. Open http://localhost/
5. Click on Phpmyadmin and create a database for your wordpress install.
6. Open http://localhost/wordpress and click on create a configuration file.
Now Enter the details as mentioned.
Database name : Database name you have created (wordpress)
Username : root
Password : Leave it blank
database host : Keep it default (Localhost)
Database prefix : Keep it default (wp_)
Click on Submit. On next screen click on Run setup
On the next screen add Blog title and Email. Search visibility will not matter here as we are working on Local environment.
On the next page , copy the password and save it. Click on login and login with the password in the screen and user name as admin.
Viola! You have just created a test wordpress environment for yourself. Now upload theme and do everything which you can’t try on your online server.